PSD Support

A Photoshop file may contain multiple (user-created) layers. Depending on things like which layers are set to visible and which aren’t and opacity/transparency of layers, there is a resulting image that gets displayed if you open the file in Photoshop. In the background, without most users being aware of it, this resulting image is saved into the Photoshop file as an additional layer, called the compatibility layer. It is a layer that third party applications can use to display a preview for example. Pixometry uses this layer (by default) as the original image. Optionally you can choose to use another layer as the original file, see INPUT CONVERSION settings (PSD / TIFF options).

On the output side, you can convert to another file format or keep PSD. If the selected format supports multiple layers (PSD or TIFF) there are options available in OUTPUT settings (PSD / TIFF options) that allow you to keep the original layers, decide if a compatibility layer should be added etc.

PSD support is extensive in Pixometry. Pixometry correctly deals with the layers, masks, clipping paths etc, even if images are resampled, color converted etc. We can convert to and from PSD and have options on how to work with layers. Pixometry is successfully used even in complex PSD workflows. PSD support in applications is not a simple black or white, yes or no answer. PSD has so many options and possibilities that the correct question is “how far does your PSD support go”. Very far in Pixometry indeed.