A formal description of all available tags in the XML job ticket Output node. If the default value for a tag is “channel value”, this means that if the tag is not in the jobticket, the value is taken from the channel that processes the jobticket. If the tag is in the jobticket, the value of it overwrites the channel setting.
BWProfileActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, the grayscale ICC profile as defined in “BWProfile” is applied on grayscale images only, or to convert images to grayscale (see “Apply” and “UseICCProfile” tags in the GrayscaleConversion node tag definitions)
BWProfile (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Path to a grayscale ICC profile.
ColorProfileActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, the color profile as defined in “ColorProfile” will be applied to color images.
ColorProfile (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Path to a color (RGB or CMYK) ICC profile.
LimitOutputColors (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, convert to indexed colorspace, with amount of colors as defined in “LimitOutputColorsAmount”.
LimitOutputColorsAmount (type:integer, range:2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256, default:channel value)
Number of colors to create in an indexed colorspace.
DestinationFileName (type:string, range:n/a, default:original file name)
May contain a fully qualified path or just the file name for the processed file. A UNC path may be used. (using forward slashes). If it only is a file name, the path will be taken from “DestinationFolder”. It may contain the file name including extension (match it with the “FileFormat”)! If the extension is not specified, it will be added according to the “FileFormat”. May also contain a url, to be used with Amazon S3 storage for instance.
DestinationFolder (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Path to the output folder. May be a UNC path (using forward slashes). Not used if the full path is in “DestinationFileName”.
CopyDestinationFolder (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Path to a second output folder. A copy of the processed image will be placed here. May be a UNC path (using forward slashes).
MoveOriginalFolderActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Save a copy of the original to a folder (“MoveOriginalFolder”).
MoveOriginalFolder (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Path to a folder where a copy of the original will be saved.
MoveOriginalAddNameActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Use a file name suffix when copying the original to a folder.
MoveOriginalAddName (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
File name suffix used on original images, when they are saved to “MoveOriginalFolder”.
FileFormat (type:string, range:see below, default:channel value)
Output file format. These are the possible options:
ORIGINAL saves the processed file in the file format of the original. See also “TiffCompressionType” for tiff compression methods and “EpsEncoding” for EPS encoding types, and “JpegCompression” for jpeg compression level. “EpsPreview” and “EpsPreviewSize” lets you include a preview of certain size in your EPS output file.
UseExtensionActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Add (or overwrite) an extension to the output file name. (“UseExtension”).
AddMissingExtension (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Add appropriate extension if the original image does not have one.
UseExtension (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Use this string as an extension.
UsePrefixActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Add prefix to the output filename.
UsePrefix (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Use this string as a file name prefix.
EmbeddIccProfile (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
It true, the output ICC profile is embedded in the image.
UniqueFileName (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
It true, Pixometry will use unique file names (add “-1″,”-2″ etc) to avoid overwriting files that are already in the output folder.
AddGuidesSoftCrop (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
It true, and a soft-crop is done based on other tags (SIZE), Photoshop guides will be added to the image so that the crop frame becomes visible if the image is opened in Photoshop. A soft-crop means that crop-coordinates are used for image analyses purposes, but the complete image gets processed.
ConvertOriginalBeforeInspector (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
It true, the output conversion (if any) is done on the original image before writing it to the Inspector queue.
ConvertProcessedBeforeInspector (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
It true, the output conversion (if any) is done on the processed image before writing it to the Inspector queue.
RenderingIntentOutOfGamutActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
The default rendering intent is Perceptual. If this tag is true, another intent may be used according to “RenderingIntentOutOfGamut” and “RenderingIntentOutOfGamutPerc”.
RenderingIntentOutOfGamut (type:string, range:see below, default:channel value)
Possible values: “Relative” and “Absolute” (relative or absolute colorimetric).
(See also “PreserveBlack” and “RenderingIntentOutOfGamutPerc”).
RenderingIntentOutOfGamutPerc (type:integer, range:0-100 (percentage), default:channel value)
Based on the notion that using perceptual rendering intent is probably better for images with a larger out of gamut percentage, a percentage can be chosen which acts as a limit value. If the out-of-gamut-percentage is less than “RenderingIntentOutOfGamutPerc” then the rendering intent as specified in “RenderingIntentOutOfGamut” is used for the output conversion. In all other cases Perceptual is used. To force the use of “RenderingIntentOutOfGamut”, make “RenderingIntentOutOfGamutPerc”=100.
TiffCompressionType (type:string, range:see below, default:channel value)
Possible values: NONE, LZW, ZIP, JPEG.
TiffCompressionTypeLayer (type:string, range:see below, default:channel value)
Possible values: RLE, ZIP. Compression method for layers in output files.
JpegCompression (type:float, range:0.0-1.0, default:channel value)
0 means low quality, high compression. 1.0 means high quality, low compression.
EpsPreview (type:integer, range:1,2,3, default:channel value)
1: no preview.
2: A black & white Tiff preview
3: RGB Tiff preview gets added.
See also “EpsPreviewSize”
EpsPreviewSize (type:integer, range:n/a, default:512)
Typically 512 pixels. (applied to longest side).
EpsEncoding (type:integer, range:1-4, default:channel value)
Possible values: 1 (ASCII), 2 (BINARY), 3 (ASCII85), 4 (JPEG).
SendWithFTPActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, the output file will be send to an ftp server, using the various FTP tags in the output node. If one of the tags “DestinationFileName” or “DestinationFolder” contains a path, this path will be used as a relative path on the FTP server.
FTPHost (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Hostname or IP address of the FTP server.
FTPUsername (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Username for FTP server authentication.
FTPPassword (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Password for FTP server authentication.
UseSFTP (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Use SFTP instead of regular ftp
SFTPKeyFile (type:string, range:n/a, default:n/a)
Path to private key. If this tag is defined public key authentication will be used instead of password authentication
UseSubFolders (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, the folder hierarchy that the original file was in will be recreated in the “DestinationFolder”.
UseSubFoldersForUnprocessed (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, the folder hierarchy that the original file was in will be recreated in the “FolderForUnprocessedImages” (Workflow node tag definitions).
IgnoreCMYKprofOnCMYKimgFromInspector (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, A CMYK output profile is not applied if the image is converted to CMYK in Photoshop Inspector.
IgnoreBWprofOnBWimgFromInspector (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, A B&W output profile is not applied if the image is converted to B&W in Photoshop Inspector.
XmpLogging (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Add Pixometry log to the image XMP metadata.
XmpSettings (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Add Pixometry settings in XMP metadata.
PreserveBlack (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, use black point compensation on relative colorimetric rendering intent on output conversion.
InkLimitActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:false)
If true, the total amount of ink (TAC) in the CMYK output conversion can be limited to the value of “InkLimit”.
InkLimit (type:integer, range:n/a, default:300)
Total amount of ink in CMYK conversion can be limited to this value. (see “InkLimitActive”).
StripITPC (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, strip IPTC metadata from the image.
StripXMP (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, strip XMP metadata from the image.
StripEXIF (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, strip EXIF metadata from the image.
StripClippingPath (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:false)
If true, strip clipping paths from the image.
KeepAlphaMasks (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, preserve alpha / mask channels in images.
AddMaskFromAlpha (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, add mask from alpha channels.
AddMaskFromAlphaName (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Add mask from alpha channel if alpha channel has this name. “AddMaskFromAlpha” must be true.
EmailOnFailureActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Send an email if processing fails.
EmailServer (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Hostname or IP address of the email server (SMTP)
EmailUser (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
User name for SMTP server authentication
EmailPassword (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Password for SMTP server authentication
EmailToAddress (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Email address to send error messages too.
EmailFromAddress (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Email address that is used as “from” address.
ExternalProgramActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, a program or script as specified in “ExternalProgram” will be executed each time a file has been processed and written to the output folder.
ExternalProgram (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
The path to an external program or script that is to be executed each time a file has been processed.
ExternalProgramTimeOut (type:integer, range:n/a, default:60)
Number of seconds to be used as a timeout when executing the external program.
ReRouteJobActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If a jobfile is submitted to this channel, then the jobfile (with image) will be put in the output folder. The imagepath in the jobfile will be changed to the current output image. This jobfile can be used as input for another channel, f.i. a routing channel. If the output folder is attached to the inputfolder of the next channel, be aware that for this channel the Input option ‘Scan only job files’ is active.
WaterMarkActive (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, a watermark will be added to the image according to the other Watermark related tags.
WaterMarkColorWhite (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, the watermark will be white. Else it will be black.
WaterMarkTransparancy (type:integer, range:0-100, default:channel value)
A percentage, 0 means no transparency, 100 means totally transparent.
WaterMarkPosition (type:integer, range:0-4, default:channel value)
0 means “center”
1 means “top right”
2 means “bottom right”
3 means “bottom left”
4 means “top left”
WaterMarkPercentage (type:integer, range:0-100, default:channel value)
The size of the area of the image that should be covered with the watermark in a percentage of the total image area.
WaterMarkImage (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
Path to an image file from which the watermark will be created.
XmpProcess (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Add values with which the various enhancements have been applied to this image.
XmpInspector (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Add the account-name of the account that was logged in on the computer where the image was approved in Inspector to the image metadata.
XmpTiffProps (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Add technical Tiff properties related to size to the XMP metadata. The name Tiff properties is a bit confusing in the XMP specification as it does not only apply to Tiff files. Some applications use this info to determine the size of an image.
PSDKeepOriginalLayers (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, the original layers are copied to the output PSD or TIFF file.
PSDKeepOriginalLayersOnlyForAlphaMasks (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
as in “PSDKeepOriginalLayers” but only for layers that contain alpha channels and/or masks.
PSDOriginalAsLayer (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
The layer that serves as the original image (typically the compatibility layer for PSD files, see PSD Support) will be copied to the output PSD or TIFF file.
PSDOriginalAsLayerName (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
If not specified, the original image will be copied as a layer to the PDF or TIFF output file with the name “Pixometry original”. Use this tag to overwrite that name.
PSDOriginalAsLayerNameWithDate (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Add processing date to the original layer name in the output PSD or TIFF file.
PSDProcessedAsLayer (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Add the enhanced image as a layer to the output PSD or TIFF file.
PSDProcessedAsLayerName (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)
If not specified, the enhanced image will be copied as a layer to the PDF or TIFF output file with the name “Pixometry processed”. Use this tag to overwrite that name.
PSDProcessedAsLayerNameWithDate (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
Add processing date to the processed image layer name in the output PSD or TIFF file.
PSDAddCompatibilityLayer (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)
If true, add a compatibility layer to the output PSD or TIFF file (see PSD Support).