- ▶ Pixometry
- ▶ What is Pixometry?
- System requirements
- Access to network folders
- Installation
- ▶ General user-interface navigation
- ▶ Channel types
- ▶ Settings image processing channel
- ▶ Settings of a cropping channel
- ▶ Settings of a routing channel
- ▶ Settings of a Device Link channel
- Workflows
- ▶ Photoshop Inspector
- ▶ Indesign JobClient (Plugin)
- ▶ Support
- ▶ Tips & Tricks
- How to upgrade from previous versions
- Google Vision API configuration and use-cases
- Cropping Channels
- Best practices to tune enhancement settings
- Processing CMYK images
- Camera RAW file support
- Processing PDF files
- Check if images are already processed
- XMP routing
- To resample or not to resample
- File sizes
- PSD Support
- Understanding File Ready Delay and Its Impact on Processing Time
- ▶ Pixometry Integration options
- XML Jobtickets
- Image node tag definitions (the only mandatory node!!)
- Input node tag definitions
- Size node tag definitions
- QualityCheck node tag definitions
- Workflow node tag definitions
- PDF node tag definitions
- GrayscaleConversion node tag definitions
- ImageEnhancement node tag definitions
- IPTC node tag definitions
- JobControl node tag definitions
- Output node tag definitions
- ▶ Pixometry Imagin
- ▶ Pixometry (on prem edition)
- ▶ What is Pixometry?
- ▶ System Requirements
- ▶ Installation and registration
- Start the user-interface
- ▶ General user-interface navigation
- ▶ Channel types
- ▶ Settings image processing channel
- ▶ Settings of a cropping channel
- ▶ Settings of a routing channel
- ▶ Settings of a Device Link channel
- ▶ Settings of a Purging channel
- ▶ Multi-server setup (cluster)
- ▶ Photoshop Inspector
- ▶ Indesign JobClient (Plugin)
- ▶ Working with licenses
- ▶ Support
- ▶ Tips & Tricks
- How to upgrade from previous versions
- Google Vision API configuration and use-cases
- Cropping Channels
- Best practices to tune enhancement settings
- Processing CMYK images
- Camera RAW file support
- Processing PDF files
- Tuning performance and memory settings
- Setting up a one2many workflow
- Check if images are already processed
- XMP routing
- To resample or not to resample
- File sizes
- PSD Support
- Restore backup database
- Firewall settings for Pixometry cluster
- ▶ Pixometry Integration options
- XML Jobtickets
- Image node tag definitions (the only mandatory node!!)
- Input node tag definitions
- Size node tag definitions
- QualityCheck node tag definitions
- Workflow node tag definitions
- PDF node tag definitions
- GrayscaleConversion node tag definitions
- ImageEnhancement node tag definitions
- IPTC node tag definitions
- JobControl node tag definitions
- Output node tag definitions
Pixometry release R13.0.21 – December 17th, 2024
* Multi factor authentication option added
* Re-route job functionality reviewed and adjusted where needed.
* Photoshop 2025 support added in Inspector
* Stibo CUE Print integration now allows for different DPI values
* Routing on EXIF, UserComment issue fixed
* Issue with new resolution and file size limits fixed
* ICC profile list in the cloud version now alphabetically ordered
____________________________________________________________________________________Pixometry release R13.0.20 – October 24th, 2024
* Fixed heart-beat issue when processing large number of files at once
* Fixed filename extension and suffix issue when going through the API
* Fixed Inspector queue issue. Affected versions: only 13.0.19
* Improved performance of the license screen in the UI
* Group view added to cloud version client
* Further UI improvements in the cloud version client
* Fix for working with simple jobtickets processing PDF files
Pixometry release R13.0.19 – October 8th, 2024
* Added option in Workflows: delete empty subfolders
* Now possible to run the client on headless Linux
* Added option to automatically generate workflows
* New Visual C++ redistributable version (2022) for the Windows version
* Fixed issue with inverted tiff image with jpg compression
* Fixed issue with self joins in cluster
* Added automatic cleanup of old Inspector client ID’s in the database