Input node tag definitions

A formal description of all available tags in the XML job ticket Input node. If the default value for a tag is “channel value”, this means that if the tag is not in the jobticket, the value is taken from the channel that processes the jobticket. If the tag is in the jobticket, the value of it overwrites the channel setting.

DeleteSourceImage (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:false)

If true, the source image will be deleted after processing and after saving the processed image to the output folder or Inspector queue, or the original image to the folder for unprocessed images (“bad” folder).

UseEmbeddedProfileAsSource (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)

if true, the embedded profile will be used as source profile in conversions to other color spaces.

OriginalRGB (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)

If true, RGB images will be processed in their original color space. (Instead of being converted to the working RGB color space (“WorkingRGBICCProf”)).

RemoveEmptySubFolders (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)

If true, empty folders will be deleted, going up in the folder hierarchy from where the image was located.

DontProcessCmykInPdf (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)

Skip CMYK images inside PDF files.

DontProcessGrayInPdf (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)

Skip Grayscale images inside PDF files.

PdfDontProcessXmp (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)

If true, images inside PDF files may be skipped depending on metadata, based on related tags.

Pdf_XMPType (type:integer, range:0-3, default:channel value)

0=Simple, 1=Struct, 2=Array, 3=Array Element. Type of XMP field. Check XMP Routing.

Pdf_XMPPrefix (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)

Prefix of a simple field. Check XMP Routing for examples.

Pdf_XMPField (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)

Simple field name. Check XMP Routing for examples.

Pdf_XMPArrayEl (type:integer, range:>0, default:channel value)

Numbered element of an Array. Check XMP Routing for examples.

Pdf_XMPPrefixStruct (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)

Prefix of a struct field. Check XMP Routing for examples.

Pdf_XMPFieldStruct (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)

Struct field name. Check XMP Routing for examples.

Pdf_XMPFieldComparator (type:integer, range:0-6, default:channel value)

0 = “contains” (for text based comparison).

1 = “=”

2 = “<=”

3 = “>=”

4 = “<”

5 = “>”

6 = “!=”

Pdf_XMPFieldContains (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)

String to check (“contains”) or numerical value. Check XMP Routing for examples.

RenderingIntent (type:integer, range:0-3, default:channel value)

Rendering intent for conversion from source color space to working RGB color space.

0=Perceptual, 1=Relative Colorimetric, 2=Saturation, 3=Absolute Colorimetric.

ProcessLayer (type:integer, range:0-6, default:channel value)

Which layer to process in PSD/TIFF with multiple layers. See also PSD support.

0=compatibility layer, 1=top visible layer, 2=bottom visible layer, 3=layer with a specific name (ProcessLayerName tag), 4=top real layer, 5=bottom real layer, 6=Layer 0 or compatibility layer. (if layer 0 exists, this one gets processed, if not, the compatibility layer).

ProcessLayerName (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)

If “ProcessLayer=3”, the contents of this tag is used as layer-name. The layer in the file with this name will be used as original image and processed.

AssumedICCProfileForRGB_WithoutProf (type:string, range:path to ICC profile, default:channel value)

If “UseEmbeddedProfileAsSource”=true:

This profile will be used as source profile in color conversions for RGB images without an embedded profile (and no color space reference in the EXIF metadata).

If “UseEmbeddedProfileAsSource”=false:

This profile will be used as source profile in color conversions for all RGB images.

AssumedICCProfileForGRAY_WithoutProf (type:string, range:path to ICC profile, default:channel value)

If “UseEmbeddedProfileAsSource”=true:

This profile will be used as source profile in color conversions for grayscale images without an embedded profile.

If “UseEmbeddedProfileAsSource”=false:

This profile will be used as source profile in color conversions for all grayscale images.

AssumedICCProfileForCMYKWithoutProf (type:string, range:path to ICC profile, default:channel value)If “UseEmbeddedProfileAsSource”=true:

This profile will be used as source profile in color conversions for CMYK images without an embedded profile.

If “UseEmbeddedProfileAsSource”=false:

This profile will be used as source profile in color conversions for all CMYK images.

CopyToFolderForCMYKWithoutProf (type:string, range:path to folder, default:channel value)

CMYK images without embedded profile and no assumed profile (“AssumedICCProfileForCMYKWithoutProf”) will be copied to this folder instead of being processed.

WorkingRGBICCProf (type:string, range:path to ICC profile, default:channel value)

ICC profile that defines the working RGB color space.

IPTC_CharacterSet (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)

Character set used to interpret metadata. Typically ISO-8859-1.