Workflow node tag definitions

(A formal description of all available tags in the XML job ticket Workflow node. If the default value for a tag is “channel value”, this means that if the tag is not in the jobticket, the value is taken from the channel that processes the jobticket. If the tag is in the jobticket, the value of it overwrites the channel setting.

ProcessAllAndSaveToOutput (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)

If true, images get processed automatically, and saved to the output folder, without being stopped in Inspector. Only one of the following tags may be true in a single jobticket: ProcessAllAndSaveToOutput, SendRejectedToInspector, SaveRejectedToUnprocessed, SendAllToInspector.

SendRejectedToInspector (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)

If true, rejected images (based on QualityCheck settings) will be send to Inspector. Only one of the following tags may be true in a single jobticket: ProcessAllAndSaveToOutput, SendRejectedToInspector, SaveRejectedToUnprocessed, SendAllToInspector.

SaveRejectedToUnprocessed (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)

If true, rejected images (based on QualityCheck settings) will be saved to the channels’ folder for unprocessed images. Only one of the following tags may be true in a single jobticket: ProcessAllAndSaveToOutput, SendRejectedToInspector, SaveRejectedToUnprocessed, SendAllToInspector.

SendAllToInspector (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel values)

If true, all images are send to Inspector. Only one of the following tags may be true in a single jobticket: ProcessAllAndSaveToOutput, SendRejectedToInspector, SaveRejectedToUnprocessed, SendAllToInspector.

FolderForUnprocessedImages (type:string, range:n/a, default:channel value)

The path to the folder for unprocessed images (sometimes referred to as “bad” folder).

MsgForInspector (type:string, range:n/a, default:n/a)

Message that will be displayed in Inspector for this image.

ProcessPDFDeviceNColorSpace (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)

If true, also images in DeviceN colorspace inside PDF files will be extracted and enhanced.

ConvertBWRGBtoBW (type:boolean, range:true/false, default:channel value)

If true, convert images that are technically in RGB mode, but lack color information (appear on screen as black & white), to grayscale.